About Företagarna - In English

About Företagarna
Företagarna, The Swedish Federation of Business Owners, is the largest business organisation in Sweden representing the interests of around 60 000 business owners. We are an independent, nonpartisan organisation owned by its members. We have 18 regional offices and 240 local associations and meeting places.
As a member you are part of a nationwide network of entrepreneurs engaged in strengthening the entrepreneurial climate.
Our mission is to promote entrepreneurship, improve the conditions for business owners, and to influence policy makers to simplify regulation and red tape to make it easier to start and run a business and to create growth.
Today four out of five jobs are created in small businesses and it is therefore important for the whole society that these businesses are able to continue to grow and to employ.
For any questions please contact our membership support team.
Every week thousands of entrepreneurs contact us for legal advice, make use of relevant benefits, and participate in events and meetings. Our members make our voice strong and credible in the corridors of power.
Forming opinion and policy
We form opinion and policy on issues relevant to our members and the business community, for example simplified labor law, reduction of administrative burden, and less red tape. Our goal is to create a better climate for entrepreneurs in Sweden, on a regional and national level as well as at EU level.
Membership benefits and services
Membership in Företagarna gives you access to free legal advice, insurance schemes tailored to businesses and to business owners' needs.
You receive up to date information through our magazine Företagaren. As a member you also have access to deals and discounts for products and services such as cars, transport, fuel, telephony, travel and hotel.
There are a variety of memberships to choose from. For information and to become member, call 08-406 17 00 or e-mail medlemssupport@foretagarna.se
Företagarmedlemskap - Membership for business owners
The membership is personal for you as a business owner but also consists of a tax deductable service contract for your business. You have access to all our benefits and services; you’re invited to events and receive our magazine Företagaren.
As a member you can make your voice heard in policy and other issues through participation in our online surveys, and through your right to vote in the annual meeting in your local association.
Solomedlemskap - For smaller business
This gives you access to all the membership benefits, e.g. insurances, but is for smaller businesses. Reacting limit 500 000 kr.
Kompanjonsmedlemskap - For business partners and joint owners
For business partners and joint owners in a business where the principal owner is a member of Företagarna there is a joint owner membership. This gives you access to all the membership benefits, e.g. insurances.
Stödjande - Supporting membership
If you are not a business owner but would like to support our work you can sign up for a specific support membership.
Studentmedlemskap - Student membership
Become a part of our entreprenurial network already when studying!
Know more, get prices and sign up
For information and to become member, call 08-406 17 00 or e-mail medlemssupport@foretagarna.se
To read more and to calculate prices you can also visit our membership pages in swedish.